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Using List Templates in Office 365 Preview(SharePoint 2013 Online)

Firstly, if your are looking at using the old list (.stp) templates (from old version of Office 365) in the new Office 365 Preview let me tell you that it does not work. If you create the list in Office 365 SharePoint Online Preview and save it to a template, you can find it in the List Template Gallery and then add an app to created a list out of it. Here is the answer from one of the Microsoft Forums

Lets look at the Steps:

Step 1: Create the list which is for the template and save it as a template, then you will find it in the List Template Gallery.

Step 2: Click the Site Contents then click add an app.

Step 3: Select the template list which is in the template list.


1 Respones to "Using List Templates in Office 365 Preview(SharePoint 2013 Online)"

Unknown said...

Hey! Nice piece of information. To made it easy, i have also wrote a blog that tells how important it is to use template and how are their effects in the presentations. You can also check it here

4 February 2015 at 05:47

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