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Add Jquery to Office 365 SharePoint site using Sandbox Soltuions

Most prefered location to add JQUERY is "Site Asserts" library that exist in SharePoint Online - Office 365 site. Qucik Steps to create a soltuion for that

1. Create a Empty Soltuion in Visual Studio 2010 and deploy it as sandbox.
2. Create a Folder Jquery.
3. In this Folder add an new Module. You would notice you get a new ELments.xml and a txt file. You can delete the txt file.
3. Add the Jquery library in the "Jquery" folder.
4. Next edit the Elements.xml to add the "URL" paramenter, where the Jquery library will be deployed. You will notice that Elemets.xml will now contain the Module elemenet for Jquery.

Open elements.xml file and Change the following
1. Edit Module Name  - Add some name "JqueryModule"
2.Add URL property to Module something like
URL ="Site Asserts"
3. In File tag add Type=”GhostableInLibrary”

Thats it!

Now deploy the soltuion and verify if the Jquery gets added to Site Asserts library


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